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July, 2024


  • Dr. Layla Dang accepts a postdoctoral fellowship at Michigan State University!


June, 2024


  • Welcome research assistant Faith Glasgow to the SCSC Lab!


May, 2024


  • Logan Edmondson receives Beulah Morrison Award from the University of Kansas Department of Psychology


April, 2024


  • Sage Bouchard presented a poster at the Midwestern Psychological Association's annual conference:

Bouchard, S.*, Gao, A., Hennes, E. P. (2024, April). Successful Social Protests May Undermine Support for Future Progress. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Assocation annual conference, Chicago, IL.


  • Logan Edmondson receives best independent poster award from the University of Kansas Department of Psychology's SUPER poster session.


  • Logan Edmondson delivers keynote address at the University of Kansas' Undergraduate Research Symposium.


March, 2024


  • Taeik Kim was invited to be a facilitator for the 2024 SPUR R–Workshop.


  • Welcome PhD student Evelyn Do to the Social Cognition of Social Change Lab!


  • Ronald Or accepts accepts an offer of admission to the PhD program in sociology at the University of Maryland!


February, 2024


  • Logan Edmondson was invited to give a talk for the Social Psychology Brown Bag at the University of Kansas.


  • Taeik Kim presented a poster at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology's annual conference:

Kim, T. (2024, February). Relative underestimation of personal and in-group contribution to large-scale environmental issues, Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.


  • Logan Edmondson presented a poster at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology's annual conference:

Edmondson, L.S., Landau, M.J., Ryu, Y.J. (2024, February). The effects of end-times messaging on temporal horizons. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.


  • Aijia Gao presented a poster at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology's annual conference:

Gao, A., Hennes, E. P. (2024, February). Disentangling Heuristic and Motivated Explanations of Status Quo Defense. Poster presented at the Judgement and Decision-Making preconference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychologist annual conference, San Diego, CA.


  • Welcome PhD student Logan Edmondson to the Social Cognition of Social Change Lab!




December, 2023


  • Dr. Janel Jett, Dr. Erin Hennes, and their colleague Dr. Leigh Raymond publish a new article:


Jett, J., Raymond, L., & Hennes, E. P. (2023). Process skeptical populist framing of climate change in right-leaning media. Environmental Politics, 1–21.


November, 2023

  • Taeik Kim received the Outstanding Alumni Scholarship from Yeungnam University


  • Taeik Kim presented a poster at the Society for Judgement and Decision Making's 2023 annual conference:

Kim, T., Hennes, E.P. (2023, November). Unrealistic optimism in climate change risk perception undermines support for climate mitigation efforts. Poster presented at the Society for Judgement and Decision Making annual conference, San Francisco, CA.


July, 2023


  • Taeik Kim participated in the 2023 Summer Institute for Social and Personality Psychology (SISPP).


  • Welcome SPSP Social-Personality Undergraduate Research (SPUR) Program student Shine Soki to the SCSJ Lab!


  • Welcome high school intern Mila Arbitman to the SCSC Lab!


  • Welcome research assistant Maureen Dolan to the SCSC Lab!


June, 2023


  • Dr. Erin Hennes, Sydney Wicks, and Sydney's primary advisor Dr. Andrew Hales publish a new article:


         Wicks, S. G., Hales, A. H., & Hennes, E. P. (2023). Does disseminating (mis)information restore social connection during a global pandemic? Social and Personality Psychology         

         Compass, e12825.


  • Donny Snyder receives a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.


  • Syd Wicks receives a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.


  • Welcome SPSP Social-Personality Undergraduate Research (SPUR) Program student Linh Pham to the SCSJ Lab!


  • Janel Jett accepts an offer of Assistant Professor in Political Science at the University of Oregon.


  • Welcome research assistants Sage Bouchard and Enora Cattanach to the SCSC Lab!


May, 2023


  • ​Ronald Or receives Honorable Mention at the Purdue Department of Psychological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference.




June, 2022


  • Dr. Erin Hennes, Janel Jett, Taeik Kim, Aijia Gao, and Mairéad Willis move to the University of Missouri.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes is recruited to the University of Missouri through the MizzouForward initiative.


May, 2022


  • Welcome research assistant Camille Thompson to the SCSJ Lab!​​​


April, 2022


  • Welcome research assistants Naja Barnes and Marissa Oatess to the SCSC Lab!


  • Katie Mason receives a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.


  • Katie Mason accepts an offer of admission to the PhD program in Social Psychology at New York University.


  • Yanzi Huang accepts an offer of admission to the PhD program in Social Psychology at the University of Delaware.


  • Carlos Rebollar accepts a lab manager position in Social Psychology at the University of North Carolina.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes gives an invited talk in the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri.


  • Doonyah Alucozai and Abi Click are named Purdue Outstanding Sophomores.


  • Ronald Or receives a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) grant to continue his research in the SCSJ lab.


  • Welcome research assistants Naja Barnes, Hailey Liu, and Marissa Oatess to the SCSJ Lab!


March, 2022


  • Katie Mason receives Honorable Mention for a Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship.


  • Young Ju Ryu accepts an offer of admission to the PhD program in Social Psychology at the University of Kansas.​


February, 2022


  • Taewon Kang accepts an offer of admission to the Master of Science in Social Entrepreneurship program at the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business.


  • Layla Dang receives a Graduate Research Innovation Award.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes gives an invited talk in the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara.


  • Welcome SPSP Social-Personality Undergraduate Research (SPUR) Program student Carlos Rebollar to the SCSJ Lab!


January, 2022


  • Ronald Or is admitted to the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation.


  • Welcome research assistants Elise Boessler and Abi Click to the SCSJ Lab



November, 2021


  • Ronald Or is admitted to the Research-Focused Honors Program (RFHP).​


October, 2021


  • Donny Snyder receives an International Society for Self and Identity Mini Grant to support his project Cross-categorized individuals: Decreasing affective polarization using an intergroup bias-reduction paradigm in collaboration with Dr. Erin Hennes and Dr. Alex Theodoridis.​


September, 2021


  • Sydney Wicks receives an American Psychological Association of Graduate Students/Psi Chi Junior Scientist Fellowship.


August, 2021


  • A new article by Dr. Erin Hennes and her collaborators is accepted for publication:


Raymond, L. S., Kelly, D., & Hennes, E. P. (in press). Norm-based governance for severe collective action problems: Lessons from climate change and COVID-19. Perspectives on Politics.


July, 2021


  • Dr. Erin Hennes is elected a Fellow of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her collaborators publish a new article:


​Howard, S., Hennes, E. P., & Sommers, S. R. (2021). Stereotype threat among Black men following exposure to rap music. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 719-730.


  • Janel Jett successfully defends her PhD dissertation.


  • Welcome research assistant Doonyah Alucozai to the SCSJ Lab!​


June, 2021


  • Layla Dang successfully defends her Master's thesis.


  • Welcome research assistant Lea Tindel to the SCSJ Lab!​


May, 2021


  • Hannah Mullin accepts an offer of admission to the MSW program at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.


  • Katie Mason receives Honorable Mention at the Department of Psychological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference


April, 2021


  • Dr. Erin Hennes gives an invited talk at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and Dr. Sean Lane give an invited three-part statistical power analysis joint workshop at New York University, Rutgers University, and Purdue University.


  • The two-volume Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making, for which Dr. Erin Hennes served as an Associate Editor, is now available in print.


  • Donny Snyder accepts an offer of admission to the PhD program in Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.


  • Welcome research assistant Ronald Or to the SCSJ Lab!


March, 2021


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and Layla Dang publish a new article: 


Hennes, E. P., & Dang, L(2021). The devil we know: Legal precedent and the preservation of injustice. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 8(1), 76-83.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes, Janel Jett, and their collaborator Dr. Tara Grillos receive a seed grant from the Purdue Climate Change Research Center for their research entitled Populism, Uncertainty, and Policy Time Horizons.


  • Janel Jett receives a two-year Sloan Foundation and National Carbon Economy Consortium (NCEC) Social Science Research Fellowship. She will be continuing her research in the SCSJ lab as a postdoctoral fellow.


  • Sydney Wicks accepts an offer of admission to the PhD program in Experimental Psychology at University of Mississippi. 


  • Welcome Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) student Madhulika Shastry to the SCSJ lab!


February, 2021


  • A new article by Dr. Erin Hennes and her collaborators is accepted for publication:


Clarke, M., Ma, Z., Snyder, S., & Hennes, E. P. (in press). Understanding invasive plant management on family forestlands: An application of protection motivation theory. Journal of Environmental Management.


January, 2021


  • ​Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to serve as an Associate Editor for the journal Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.


  • ​Welcome Social-Personality Undergraduate Research (SPUR) Program student Sydney Wicks to the SCSJ Lab!


  • Welcome research assistant Priyanka Subrahmanyam to the SCSJ lab!


  • Katie Mason receives a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) grant to continue her research in the SCSJ lab.



December, 2020


  • Katie Mason receives a Society for Personality and Social Psychology Diversity Undergraduate Registration Award.


October, 2020


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her collaborators publish a new conference proceeding: 


Hung, Y.-H., Choi, J. Y., Willis, M. A., Proctor, R. W., Hennes, E. P., & Lane, S. P. (2020). A user-centered decision-aiding process for selecting power analysis tools. Proceedings of the 2020 64th International Annual Meeting, 64, 2056-2060.


September, 2020


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her collaborators receive a Protect Purdue Innovations Faculty Grant.


  • Taeik Kim receives a Graduate Research Innovation Award.


August, 2020


  • Katie Mason receives a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) grant to continue her research in the SCSJ lab.​


July, 2020


  • Dr. Erin Hennes, Taeik Kim, and Leslie Remache publish a new article: 


Hennes, E. P., Kim, T., & Remache, L. J. (2020). A Goldilocks critique of the hot cognition perspective on climate change skepticism. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 142-147.


  • Hennes, Kim, & Remache (2020) is featured in the inaugural issue of the Purdue Climate Change Research Center Research Roundup.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes is appointed to the Department of Political Science as an assistant professor.


June, 2020


  • Layla Dang and her colleagues from her undergraduate program publish a new article:


Dang, L., Larson, S. P., Gluck, M. A., & Petok, J. R. (2020). Age-related decline in learning deterministic judgment-based sequences. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 75, 961–969.


  • Leslie Remache accepts an offer of admission to the MA program in Social Psychology at Ball State University.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes is admitted to the Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy.


  • Welcome research assistants Kanika Rao and Young Ju Ryu to the SCSJ lab!​


April, 2020


  • Dr. Erin Hennes, Layla Dang, and their colleagues publish a new article:


Singh, A. S., Church, S. P., Dang, L., Hennes, E. P., & Prokopy, L. S. (2020). Does climate change framing matter? Evidence from an experiment of crop advisors in the Midwestern United States. Climatic Change, 162, 1031-1044.


  • Jasna Hardin accepts an offer of admission to the MA program in Psychology at New York University.


  • Welcome Lab Manager Yanzi Huang to the SCSJ lab!​


March, 2020


  • Welcome PhD student Aijia Gao to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!


  • Aijia Gao receives the Ross Fellowship.


  • Stefanie Walsh receives the 2020 Department of Political Science Outstanding Senior Award.


  • Kimberly Ordonez accepts an offer of admission to the PhD program in Environmental Social Sciences at The Ohio State University.


February, 2020


  • Dr. Erin Hennes gives an invited talk at the Attitudes and Social Influence Pre-Conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual convention in New Orleans, LA:


Hennes, E. P., Lane, S. P., Willis, M. A., & Neo, W. S. (2020, February). Optimizing statistical power when studying the attitudes of difficult-to-recruit populations. Talk presented at the SPSP Attitudes and Social Influence Preconference, New Orleans, LA.


  • Katie Mason presents a poster with Dr. Erin Hennes, Janel Jett, and Layla Dang at the annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in New Orleans, LA:​


Mason, K. A., Hennes, E. P., Jett, J., Dang, L., & Bonnot, V. (2020, February). Make our planet great again: A cross-national comparison of the influence of restorative vs. progressive change frames on concern for environmental sustainability. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.


  • Leslie Remache presents a poster with colleagues from her undergraduate institution at the annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in New Orleans, LA:


Remache, L. J., Mansharamani, S., Owens-Boone, N. J., & Hardy, P., Brown, C. M. (2020, February). Failures of situational self-control increase blame for surrendering to immoral impulses. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.


  • Janel Jett receives a Chateaubriand Fellowship from the Embassy of France in the United States to conduct dissertation field research and assist on the FACE Foundation-funded project with collaborators at Université de Paris in Paris, France for the Spring 2020 semester.​


  • Derek Kahng accepts an offer of admission to the PhD program in Psychology at the University of Kentucky.


January, 2020


  • Kelly Velazquez accepts an offer of admission to the PhD program in Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara.


  • Stefanie Walsh accepts an offer of admission to the MS program in Business Analytics and Information Management at Purdue University.



December, 2019


  • Dr. Erin Hennes gives an invited talk at the University at Buffalo.


  • Katie Mason receives a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) grant to continue her research in the SCSJ lab.


November, 2019


  • Katie Mason is admitted to the Research-Focused Honors Program.


  • Welcome research assistant Jasna Hardin to the SCSJ lab!


October, 2019


  • Dr. Erin Hennes is recognized with a Seeds for Success award for obtaining a $1 million or more external sponsored award.


  • Katie Mason receives a Society for Personality and Social Psychology Diversity Undergraduate Registration Award.


  • Stefanie Walsh receives a Society for Personality and Social Psychology Diversity Undergraduate Registration Award.


  • Leslie Remache receives a Society for Personality and Social Psychology Diversity Undergraduate Registration Award.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes gives an invited talk on power analysis for difficult-to-recruit populations at the Mathematical and Computational Psychology colloquium series.​​


September, 2019


  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to speak at the Purdue Global Climate Strike panel discussion.


  • Leslie Remache is admitted to the University of Michigan Diversity Recruitment Weekend.


  • Leslie Remache is admitted to the Getting You Into Indiana University (GU2IU) campus recruitment program for prospective underrepresented PhD students.


August, 2019


  • Katie Mason receives a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) grant to continue her research in the SCSJ lab.


July, 2019


  • The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships reports that Lane & Hennes, 2018 is one of the journal's most-read articles, having been downloaded over 1000 times in 2018.


  • Former affiliated graduate student Heather Cann receives the 2019 College of Liberal Arts Distinguished Dissertation Award. Congratulations, Heather!


  • Kelly Velazquez receives 2nd place for both her poster and her oral presentation in the Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) competition for her project with Dr. Erin Hennes and their collaborators Kim Ordonez, Dr. Zhao Ma, and Dr. Songlin Fei entitled Improving Invasive Plant Mitigation through Cooperative Management and Risk Assessment. Congratulations, Kelly!


June, 2019


  • Dr. Erin Hennes presents her work on optimizing power in studies of underrepresented populations at the Weary Conference on Diversity and Social Identity.


Hennes, E. P., Lane, S. P., & Neo, W. S. (2019, June). Optimizing statistical power in studies of underrepresented populations by oversampling well-represented group members. Data blitz presented at the Weary Symposium on Diversity and Social Identity, Columbus, OH.


  • Adam Hampton accepts a position as a Student Success Coach at Washburn University. Congratulations, Adam!


  • Welcome research assistant Jonathan Ishoy to the SCSJ lab!​


May, 2019


  • Dr. Erin Hennes, Janel Jett, and their colleague Leigh Raymond receive a Purdue Climate Change Research Center seed grant to conduct transatlantic research on the impact of restorative vs. progressive change frames on climate change attitudes in the United States and France.​


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleague publish a new article:​


Lane, S. P., & Hennes, E. P. (2019). Conducting sensitivity analyses to identify and buffer power vulnerabilities in studies examining substance use over time. Addictive Behaviors, 94, 117-123.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleagues publish a new article:​


Pietri, E. S., Hennes, E. P., Dovidio, J. F., Brescoll, V. L., Bailey, A. H., Moss-Racusin, C. A., & Handelsman, J. (2019). Addressing unintended consequences of gender diversity interventions on women's sense of belonging in STEM. Sex Roles, 80, 527-547.


  • Janel Jett receives a Purdue Climate Change Research Center graduate student travel grant.​


  • Welcome Project Coordinator Mairéad Willis to the SuperPower team!


  • Affiliated graduate student Ya-Hsin Hung defends her PhD and joins the SuperPower team as a postdoctoral assistant.


  • Adam Hampton graduates with an MS in Psychological Sciences. Congratulations, Adam!​​


April, 2019


  • Katie Mason receives a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Triple-I Excellence Award: Independence, Innovation, & Initiative.


  • Welcome Lab Manager Leslie Remache to the SCSJ lab!​


  • Sanjana Murthy receives a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) grant to continue her research in the SCSJ lab.


  • Welcome Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) student Kelly Velazquez to the SCSJ lab!​


  • Dr. Erin Hennes gives an invited talk at Loyola University Chicago co-sponsored by the Department of Psychology and the Institute for Environmental Sciences.​


  • Dr. Erin Hennes's colleagues present their collaborative work at the Midwest Political Science Association.​


Hoffman, A. M., Jengelley, D., & Hennes, E. P. (2019, April). Does bottom-line pressure make terrorism coverage more negative? Evidence from a 20-newspaper panel study. Talk presented at the 77th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.


March, 2019


  • Layla Dang receives a Purdue Doctoral Fellowship.


  • Katie Mason is admitted into the Diversity Science Research Experience at the University of Washington.​


February, 2019


  • Layla Dang receives a Purdue Climate Change Research Center Graduate Student Incentive Award.​


  • Welcome PhD student Layla Dang to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!


  • Katie Mason presents her poster with Dr. Erin Hennes and their colleagues at the annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Portland, OR.


Mason, K.A., Hennes, E.P., Pietri, E.S., Moss-Racusin, C.A., Dovidio, J., Brescoll, V.L., Bailey, A.H., & Handelsman, J. (2019, February). Increasing the perceived malleability of gender bias using a modified Video Intervention for Diversity in STEM (VIDS). Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Portland, OR.


  • Viola Zheng presents her poster with Dr. Erin Hennes and their colleagues at the annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Portland, OR.


Zheng, X., Chen, H., Peng, L., & Hennes, E.P. (2019, February). Macro-level associations between religious cultural products and criminal behavior. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Portland, OR.


  • Welcome research assistant Taewon Kang to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!


January, 2019


  • Welcome PhD student Taeik Kim to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!



December, 2018


  • Celine Jusuf receives the John M. Hadley Outstanding Senior Award.​​


  • Antonia Roach receives Honorable Mention for the John M. Hadley Oustanding Senior Award.​


  • Katie Mason receives a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) grant to continue her research in the SCSJ lab.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes presents her work at a Purdue Industrial/Organizational Psychology brown bag.


November, 2018


  • Welcome research assistant Sanjana Murthy to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!


  • Dr. Erin Hennes, Adam Hampton, Ezgi Ozgumus, and Thomas Hamori publish a new chapter:


Hennes, E. P., Hampton, A. J., Ozgumus, E., & Hamori, T. (2019). System-level biases in the production and consumption of information: Implications for system resilience and radical change. In M. Brandt & B. Rutjens (Eds.), Belief systems and perceptions of reality (pp. 29-43). London: Routledge.​

October, 2018
  •   Dr. Erin Hennes presents her work at the Society of Experimental Social Psychology conference in Seattle, WA:


Hennes, E. P., Pietri, E. S., Moss-Racusin, C. A., Mason, K. A., Dovidio, J., Brescoll, V. L., Bailey, A. H., & Handelsman, J. (2018, October). Diversity interventions that increase awareness of inequality may inadvertently increase perceptions that inequality is inevitable.  Talk presented at the Society of Experimental Social Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.



  • Dr. Erin Hennes presents her work at a Building Sustainable Communities brown bag.

  • ​

September, 2018
  • Big news! Dr. Erin Hennes and Dr. Sean Lane receive as Principal Investigators a five-year R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health in the amount of $3.4 million to develop improved methods for conducting statistical power analyses.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her co-PI Virginie Bonnot receive a two-year grant from the FACE Foundation Thomas Jefferson Fund in partnership with the French Embassy in the US to conduct transatlantic research on the impact of restorative vs. progressive change frames on climate change attitudes in the United States and France.​​

August, 2018
  • Katie Mason receives a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) grant to continue her research in the SCSJ lab.


  • Welcome lab manager Layla Dang to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!

July, 2018
  • Dr. Erin Hennes, Katie Mason, and their colleagues publish a new article:


Hennes, E. P.*, Pietri, E. S.*, Moss-Racusin, C. A., Mason, K. A., Dovidio, J. F., Brescoll, V. L., Bailey, A. H., & Handelsman, J. (2018). Increasing the perceived malleability of gender bias using a modified Video Intervention for Diversity in STEM (VIDS). Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 21, 788-809.​


  • Katie Mason receives 3rd place in the Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) and Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) poster competition for her poster with Ezgi Ozgumus, Dr. Erin Hennes, and their collaborator Dr. Eva Pietri entitled Group Gender Composition as an Identity-Safe Cue During Diversity Trainings. Congratulations, Katie!

June, 2018
  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleagues publish a new article:


Moss-Racusin, C. A., Pietri, E. S., Hennes, E. P., Dovidio, J. F., Brescoll, V. L., Roussos, G., Handelsman, J. (2018). Reducing STEM Gender Bias with VIDS (Video Interventions for Diversity in STEM). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 24, 236-260.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleagues present an invited workshop at the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science:


Soderberg, C. K., Hennes, E. P., & Lane, S. P. (2018, June). Sample size determination in psychological research. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science, Grand Rapids, MI.


  • A new paper by Adam Hampton and his colleagues from his Master's program is accepted for publication:


Hampton, A. J., Fisher, A., & Sprecher, S. (2019). You're like me and I like you: Mediators of the similarity-attraction link assessed before and after a getting-acquainted social interaction. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(7)2221-2244.

May, 2018
  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleagues publish a new article:


Davis, T.*, Hennes, E. P.*, & Raymond, L.* (2018). Cultural evolution of normative motivations for sustainable behaviour. Nature Sustainability, 1, 218-224.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleagues publish a new article:


Badaan, V., Jost, J. T., Osborne, D., Sibley, C. G., Ungaretti, J., Etchezahar, E., & Hennes, E. P. (2018). Social protest and its discontents: A system justification perspective. Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest, 6, 1-22.

April, 2018
  • Dr. Erin Hennes receives a Purdue Center for Research on Diversity and Inclusion (CRDI) Faculty Research Award.


  • Zehan (Leo) Li accepts an offer of admission to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Master’s of Health Science (MHS) program.


  • Xiyao Ge accepts an offer of admission to the Boston College MS program in applied statistics and psychometrics.


  • Katie Mason receives a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) grant to conduct summer research in the SCSJ lab.


  • Mysha Clarke successfully defends her dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Clarke!


  • Dr. Erin Hennes's colleagues present their work at the Midwestern Political Science Association conference in Chicago, IL:


Hoffman, A. M., Jengelley, D., & Hennes, E. P. (2018, April). Journalists under threat: Does economic anxiety change the way journalists report about terrorism and climate change?  Paper presented at the 76th annual meeting of the Midwestern Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to present her work at the Purdue Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Social Justice Seminar.


  • Stefanie Walsh and Dr. Erin Hennes's colleagues present their work at the Midwestern Political Science Association conference in Chicago, IL:


Hoffman, A. M., Meyer, M. R., Malik, P., Walsh, S., Balcazar, P., Hennes, E. P., & Jengelley, D. (2018, April). How anxiety about Donald Trump influences news reporting. Paper presented at the 76th annual meeting of the Midwestern Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.


March, 2018


  • Ezgi Ozgumus presents her work with her Master's advisor Dr. Pietri at the Midwestern Psychological Association conference in Chicago, IL:


Ozgumus, E., & Pietri, E. S. (2018, April). Group gender composition as an identity-safe cue during diversity trainings. Talk presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.


  • Ezgi Ozgumus accepts an offer of admission to the London Business School’s Organisational Behaviour PhD program.


  • Stefanie Walsh is accepted into Dr. Kurt Gray’s Mind Perception and Morality Lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a Summer Undergraduate Research Assistant.


  • Ezgi Ozgumus presents her poster with her Master's advisor Dr. Pietri at the annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Atlanta, GA.


Ozgumus, E. & Pietri, E. S. (2018, March). Consequences of gender composition during a diversity intervention. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.


  • The Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment, for which Dr. Erin Hennes is on the Steering Committee, holds a press conference to announce the release of the 2018 report.​


February, 2018


  • Adam Hampton and his colleagues from his Master's program publish a new paper:


Hampton, A. J., Rawlings, J., Treger, S.. & Sprecher, S. (2018). Channels of computer-mediated communication and satisfaction in long-distance relationships. Interpersona, 11, 171-187.


  • Ezgi Ozgumus and her colleagues from her Master's program publish a new paper:


Pietri, E. S., Johnson, I. R., Ozgumus, E., & Young, A. I. (2018). Maybe she is relatable: Increasing women's awareness of gender bias encourages their identification with women scientists. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 42, 192-219.


  • Xiaofang (Viola) Zheng receives a Purdue Graduate Research Innovation Award.


  • Celine Jusuf is accepted into Dr. Cynthia Pickett’s Self & Social Identity Lab at the University of California, Davis as a Summer Undergraduate Research Assistan


January, 2018


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and Dr. Sean Lane publish a new paper:


Lane, S. P., & Hennes, E. P. (2018). Power struggles: Estimating sample size for multilevel relationships research. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 35, 7-31.


  • Xiaofang (Viola) Zheng and Dr. Erin Hennes receive a Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Grant-in-Aid.


  • Ezgi Ozgumus and her colleagues from her Master's program publish a new paper


Pietri, E. S., Johnson, I. R., & Ozgumus, E. (2018). One size may not fit all: Exploring how the intersection of race and gender and stigma consciousness predict effective identity-safe cues for Black women. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 74, 291-306.


  • Mysha Clarke accepts a postdoctoral fellowship at Villanova University.


  • Welcome research assistants Celine Jusuf, Sungmin (Derek) Kahng, Zeba Kokan, and Erin Holderfield to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!



December, 2017

  • Colby Light accepts an offer of admission to the WU Vienna Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy MSc program.

  • Dr. Erin Hennes presents an invited workshop for the Purdue University Building Sustainable Communities Methods Series:

Hennes, E. P. (2017, December). Sample size determination for quantitative research. Building Sustainable Communities Brown Bag Series, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

October, 2017

  • Dr. Erin Hennes's colleagues present their work at the Society of Experimental Social Psychology conference in Boston, MA:

Howard, S., Hennes, E. P., & Sommers, S. R. (2017, October). "It's bigger than hip-hop": Violent and misogynistic rap lyrics induce stereotype threat for Black men. Talk presented at the Society of Experimental Social Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA.

  • Welcome visiting undergraduate research assistant Diana Lizarazo Pereira to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!

September, 2017

Welcome research assistant Vanessa Bahk to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!

Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleagues publish a new paper:

Jost, J. T., Langer, M., Badaan, V., Azevedo, F., Etchezahar, E., Ungaretti, J., & Hennes, E. P. (2017). Ideology and the limits of self-interest: System justification motivation and conservative advantages in mass politics. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 3, e1-e26.

July, 2017

  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to present her research to physicists at the American Association of Physics Teachers meeting in Cincinnati, OH:

Hennes, E. P. (2017, July). Climate change in the classroom: Effectively scaffolding critical thinking about politicized science. Talk presented at the American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.

  • Welcome lab manager Ezgi Ozgumus to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!​

June, 2017

  • Dr. Erin Hennes and Dr. Sean Lane publish a new conference proceeding:

Lane, S. P., & Hennes, E. P. (2017). Conducting power analyses for studies examining alcohol use over time. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 41 (Supplement S1), 306A.

  • Adam Hampton presents a talk at the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) annual meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland:

Hampton, A. J., Hennes, E. P., & Agnew, C. R. (2017, June). The investment model of system justification: A framework for understanding commitment to the status quo. Talk presented at the International Society of Political Psychology 40th Annual Scientific Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland.​

  • Adam Hampton is accepted to the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) Summer Academy.

  • Dr. Erin Hennes organizes and serves as Chair and Discussant of the symposium Justifying System Inequality: New Perspectives from System Justification, Social Identity, and Personality Research at the International Society of Political Psychology 40th Annual Scientific Meeting in Edinburgh Scotland.​

May, 2017

  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to present her work at the Association for Psychological Science annual convention in Boston, MA:

Hennes, E. P. (2017, May). Dual impacts of misinformation and motivated reasoning on climate change attitudes: A mixed-methods approach. Talk presented at the 20th Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Boston, MA.

  • Welcome summer interns Xiyao Ge and Matthew Caldwell to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!

April, 2017

  • Dr. Erin Hennes receives a Purdue Policy Research Institute (PPRI) Excellence in Research Award.​

  • Brittany Mihalec-Adkins receives a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP).​

  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleagues receive a Center for the Environment Seed Grant.

  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleagues receive an Honors College Grant to Support Faculty-Led Undergraduate Research.

  • Katie Mason accepts a college admission offer from Purdue University and is admitted to the Honors College.

  • Dr. Erin Hennes and Dr. Sean Lane present an invited workshop at the Midwestern Psychological Association annual meeting in Chicago, IL:

Hennes, E. P., & Lane, S. P. (2016). Power to the people: Simulation methods for conducting power analysis for any model. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.​

March, 2017

  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to present her work at the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Department of Psychology Industrial/Organizational Brown Bag Series.​

  • Katie Mason receives Honorable Mention for her poster at the Lafayette Regional Science and Engineering Fair.​

  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleagues present their work at the New Perspectives on Sustainability and Resilience Workshop in West Lafayette, IN:

Davis, T.*, Hennes, E. P.*, & Raymond, L. (2017, March). Norms, motivation, and sustainable behavior: An interdisciplinary review. Talk presented at the New Perspectives on Sustainability and Resilience Workshop, West Lafayette, IN.

  • Dr. Erin Hennes co-organizes the New Perspectives on Sustainability and Resilience Workshop in West Lafayette, IN and serves as the Chair of a symposium on Decision Making Related to Sustainability and Resilience.

January, 2017

  • Adam Hampton and his Master's advisor Dr. Sue Sprecher publish a new paper:

Sprecher, S., & Hampton, A. J. (2017). Liking and other reactions after a get-acquainted interaction: A comparison of continuous face-to-face interaction versus interaction that progresses from text messages to face-to-face. Communication Quarterly, 65, 333-353.

  • A new chapter by Adam Hampton and his Master's advisor Dr. Sue Sprecher is accepted for publication:

Hampton, A. J., & Sprecher, S. (in press). Consensual validation. In V. Ziegler-Hill & T. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. New York: Springer.

  • Welcome research assistants Zehan (Leo) Li, Colby Light, Thomas Hamori, and Hayley Green to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!



December, 2016

  • Dr. Erin Hennes's research is featured as a Research Highlight in Nature Climate Change.

November, 2016​

  • Welcome PhD student Adam Hampton to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!​

  • Dr. Erin Hennes and Dr. Sean Lane present an invited workshop for the Purdue University Department of Psychological Sciences Brown Bag Series:

Hennes, E. P., & Lane, S. P. (2016, November). Statistical power. Department of Psychological Sciences Brown Bag Series, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

September, 2016

  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to present her work at the University of Dayton Hanley Sustainability Institute Colloquium series.

  • Antonia Roach receives a Purdue Undergraduate Research Support Award to conduct research in the SCSJ lab.

August, 2016

  • Welcome high school intern Katie Mason and research assistant Ugochinyere Onyeukwu to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!

July, 2016​

  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to present her work at the Society for the Study of Motivation conference in Gdansk, Poland:

Hennes, E. P., & Monteiro, C. A. (2016, July). The state of the economy influences processing of scientific information about anthropogenic climate change. Talk presented at the Society for the Study of Motivation Conference on Motivation and Social Perception, Gdansk, Poland.

  • Dr. Erin Hennes presents her work at the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR) conference in Canterbury, UK:

Hennes, E. P., & Monteiro, C. A. (2016, July). The state of the economy influences processing of scientific information about anthropogenic climate change. Talk presented at the International Society for Justice Research 16th Biennial Conference, Canterbury, UK.

  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to serve as the Discussant for a symposium on polarization, inequality, science, and society at the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR) 16th Biennial Conference, Canterbury, United Kingdom.

June, 2016

  • Welcome lab manager Zac Chacko to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!

May, 2016

  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to present her work at the Duck conference on Buck Island, NC:

Hennes, E. P., & Lane, S. P. (2016, May). Power to the people: Simulation methods for conducting power analyses for any model. Talk presented at the 28th Annual Duck Conference on Social Cognition, Buck Island, NC.

  • Brittany Mihalec-Adkins receives a Center for the Environment Summer Graduate Research Assistant Grant to work in the SCSJ lab.

  • Antonia Roach receives a Center for the Environment Research Internship Grant to work in the SCSJ lab.​

April, 2016

  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleagues publish a new paper:

Hennes, E. P., Ruisch, B. C., Feygina, I., Monteiro, C. A., & Jost, J. T. (2016). Motivated recall in the service of the economic system: The case of anthropogenic climate change. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145, 755-771.

March, 2016

  • Emily Boyne is accepted to the Ohio State University EdS program in School Psychology.​

February, 2016

  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to present her work at the Washington University in St. Louis Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences Social and Personality Psychology Brown Bag series.

January, 2016

  • Dr. Erin Hennes and her colleagues present an invited workshop at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) annual meeting in San Diego, CA.

Lane, S. P., Hennes, E. P., & West, T. V. (2016, January). "I've got the power": How anyone can do a power analysis on any kind of study using simulation. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

  • Dr. Erin Hennes presents her work at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) annual meeting in San Diego, CA:

Hennes, E. P., Ruisch, B. C., Jost, J. T., & Jagel, K. (2016, January). Two paths to misinformation: System justification and media exposure each uniquely predict misinformation about climate change. Data blitz presented at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

  • Welcome research assistants Haley Brower and Nora Belrose to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!


November, 2015


  • Dr. Erin Hennes and colleagues receive a Purdue Diversity Transformation Award.

  • Dr. Erin Hennes and colleagues receive a Purdue Climate Change Research Center Seed Grant.

  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to participate in a Purdue Center for the Environment Data Blitz.


October, 2015


  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to present her work in the Northwestern University Department of Psychology Social Psychology Brown Bag series.


August, 2015

  • Welcome research assistants Brittany Mihalec-Adkins, Emily Boyne, and Camden Forbes to the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab!

July, 2015


  • Dr. Erin Hennes is invited to present her work at the Understanding Science Denialism meeting in Winston-Salem, NC:


Hennes, E. P. (2015, July). A convenient untruth: System justification and the processing of information about climate change. Talk presented at the Understanding Science Denialism meeting, Winston-Salem, NC.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes presents her work at the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) annual meeting in San Diego, CA:


Hennes, E. P. (2015, July). Stability and change in system justification motivation over the last ten years. Talk presented at the International Society of Political Psychology 38th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA.


  • Dr. Erin Hennes joins the social psychology faculty at Purdue University and the Social Cognition of Social Justice Lab is born! 

The Social Cognition of Social Change Laboratory

University of Missouri

Department of Psychological Sciences

MU Institute for Data Science & Informatics

Harry S. Truman School of Government & Public Affairs

320 South 6th Street

Columbia, MO 65211

(646) 670-1600

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